Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What the Heck Does one DO With a Daughter??

So after a long string of boys in my family (I am one of 3 boys and my father is one of 8 boys) my wife and I found out that our second child will be a daughter come January. Besides having no clue what to do with a female child (My hobbies include coaching wrestling, boxing, martial arts, and guns), I am wondering if any successful females have any examples or moments in their professional or personal development that had a positive impact in their lives. Specifically, what in your life boosted your confidence? What hurdles did you have to break through? How many times have you been called "sweetie" in the workplace? I am curious what the difference is between the professional development men and women recieve if any. Any light bulb moment will be much appreciated. I might be able to pass these lessons along.....but.....I will probably just teach my daughter how to kill men with her bare hands and hide the body real well.


Anonymous said...

Hey, never underestimate a girls love for the fight. Teach her to wrestle and box and go hunting. And love her anyway if she can't stand any of it.

The thing that's going to serve a girl the best is having a father that not only listens, but does his damndest to understand her.

The thing that is the most difficult in the business world is the assumption that no matter how good you are at your job, a man could do it better. You have to be strong enough to know when to push and when to let things be, and know that it isn't true.


Dan Johnson said...

Thanks for that. One can only try in the first part. But I can completely agree with the second. I have been blessed with some amazing female friends, associates, and mentors in my life. My only hope is to give her the confidence to do as you say. I really want her to be the girl that makes all the guys feel like idiots and intimidated. I always liked those girls :)

Ben Eubanks said...

Dan, there's very little chance you'll see this, but I've been reading your archives during my lunch today, and the mention of wrestling propelled me to comment. I'm a wrestling ref in AL. Love the sport. (Also love HR, but that's obvious, since I've spent 45 min reading this blog.) :-) Heard you on HR Happy Hour recently and am loving the blog. We could use some intelligence out here again. And HRPufnstuf is a former military HR blogger, if you need a buddy to keep your spirits up! :-)